English Conversation

Having a casual conversation in English or reacting spontaneously and quick-wittedly in English small talk is a challenge even for many people who speak fluent English at work. Often it is not only about other topics such as sport, culture or lifestyle. Colloquial expressions are also required here – and not least a good dose of linguistic wit.

That’s why practising conversational situations plays a major role in English Training and Premium English Coaching, which is aimed specifically at executives. In individual conversations or in group sessions, I support you in conducting a conversation confidently in English, whereby intercultural communication rules are also discussed. Here you can practise different conversation situations, practise small talk and strengthen your fluency in a relaxed and easy-going atmosphere.

Get in touch

Whether a weekly English training, individually or in a small group, or a completely individual Premium English Coaching is more suitable for you, we can find out together in an initial conversation. I look forward to your call or email with your contact details.

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Robert Lawson Butt
Your English Coach
Norburger Stieg 3
22761 Hamburg